Paradise Nursery

8758 Cloverdale Rd. BLDG B
Troutville, Virginia
Call (540) 591-3145

 We sell:

  • Evergreens
  • Trees & shrubs
  • Flowering perennials
  • Flowering Hydrangeas
  • Geraniums in hanging baskets

We give expert horticultural advise and can provide you with design help if needed.

We have all types of Crape Myrtles, Japanese Maples, Knock-out Roses, Clematis, and succulents.

If you are looking for help on your landscape projects, come see us.  If we do not have what you are looking for, ask us…We may be able to get it for you.


We are here to help you:

Penny Booze, Nursery Manager /Horticulturist

Penny studied Horticulture at Virginia Western and specialized in Ecology & Turf Grass Management classes. She lived in this area all her life, and familiar with the plants that grow in our region as well as how to maintain them. Penny has been working in Gardening & Landscaping for over 20 years and has developed many contacts in the field.  She is passionate about growing and helping others learn more about their plants & gardens.